Monday, February 21, 2011

Post-Surgery Update

I apologize that I haven't been diligent in updating.  Between trying to recuperate and my family, namely the 2 year old that never stops running around, I haven't had to much to even think about blogging.  Overall, things are going well.  I'm not going to lie, it hasn't been easy, but I've felt everyone's prayers and I continue to be thankful for all the Lord has done for us.  I will follow up with the surgeon on March 3rd, they should have final pathology reports by then.  The initial report from the doctor after the surgery was that my thyroid presented itself just as an auto-immune benign  diseased thyroid would.  Meaning it didn't appear grossly abnormal.  My right hand side was double to triple the size of the left side, which isn't abnormal.  So, all that said, that is probably a good thing, he couldn't see any "cancer looking nodules."  Evidently it looks different.  Anyways, the reason that can be good is because there's a good chance it is completely contained within the thyroid. We won't know anything for sure until the final pathology, but that is what we're praying for! Some things you can pray for:  I'm now 5 days post-op and starting to feel the effects of not having a thyroid, which in turn has caused my current medication dosage to not be enough.  So, I'm starting to feel pretty fatigued already and my legs are killing me.  Unfortunately they can not up my dose until I've had some time to live without and they can know a proper dose for me.  Which means I just have to grin and bear it until then.  It makes life interesting with a 2 year old!  The only other specific prayer request would be for the final pathology report.  We're really praying that it comes back good and no other treatment will be needed, specifically, that I will not need radioactive iodine (which I would have to be away from all people for at lease 4 days). Thanks again for your continued prayers!! My family really appreciates all the support!


  1. you are definitely in our prayers Mandi!

  2. thanks for the update, mand. hope you're feeling better and that they're able to figure out the med situation sooner rather than later.
