Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A new adventure...

It's literally been like 2 years since the last time I blogged, but now that myself and my family are embarking on something we didn't anticipate, I thought I would blog about it so I don't have to answer a million questions.  This way I can keep people updated, while managing to stay somewhat sane :)  Hopefully some will find something I have to say encouraging, especially if faced with trial. We're never alone!  So, here goes...

Last Monday I found out that at the ripe old age of 28 (kidding) that I have cancer.  Not something I anticipated hearing, especially at 28 years old.  We have know for about a year and a half I guess that I have thyroid problems.  When we moved back to New York from Texas I started to long process of finding new doctors to deal with this issue.  The first visit at the new Endocrinologist office they did blood work, my doctor felt my throat/thyroid and felt some lumps.  This is not uncommon at ALL for someone with the type of thyroid disease that I have.  She was on the fence for a few minutes as to whether she wanted to do a thyroid ultrasound.  She decided to do one. Afterward, she tells me that there is one nodule that she wants to have biopsied. She reassures me that over 95 percent of the time, it's just a nodule.  I go in for the biopsy, once again being told, more likely than not, it's nothing.  The doctor even proclaims when the ultrasound tech starts the ultrasound, "that's it?" meaning, oh that's small!  I wait a little over a week and that brings me to last Monday.  After hearing the news I'm kind of trying to wrap my brain around what I just heard, "you have thyroid cancer."  I'm a little numb, she pauses and asks me if I'm ok and I say I think so, then I ask what's next?  I will see a surgeon on Thursday to get an idea of what the next step/steps are.

Even in the midst of trial there is much to be thankful for, you just have to look for it. We get so consumed with ourselves we forget that God is wrapped up within these situations, working for His ultimate glory in our lives.  He loves us more than we can ever imagine.  I'm thankful for the following:  that we once again live near family, that is a great comfort to me; I'm thankful for a God who loves me and that nothing comes as a surprise to him; I'm thankful that the doctor didn't "need" to do an ultrasound, but decided to anyway; I'm thankful they have seemed to find it in the early stages; I'm thankful for answers as to why I have felt like crud; I'm thankful we didn't buy a house that we thought we might because it would have been very stressful dealing with both, etc.  I literally could go on an on, but needless to say, I have lots to be thankful for.

I'm not going to lie and say that sometimes my thankfulness is outweighed by worry, I have those moments too, but I choose to hold my thoughts captive, I don't let my mind wander to the "what ifs."   I focus on the facts I have at hand and the fact that no matter what happens, God holds my life in His hands.  A few months ago, our new "Lead Pastor" was talking about struggling well.  Meaning that when life brings trials, you don't just fall apart, blame God and loose it, you trust in the Lord that on the other side, you'll be a better person, closer to Him, greater in faith. I want to struggle well, I want to honor the Lord and worship and glorify Him no matter what is going on in my life.  That is the real mark of true faith and dependence on the Lord.  Faith isn't real faith if you're only willing to trust in Him when times are good.  It's when times aren't so good, by human standards, that He grows us and refines us.  I'm thankful for these times.  So as I've said to a few of you, today I choose joy. 

I know this was long, thanks for sticking with me :)  Our family really appreciates all your prayers and support. And that's all we need at this time, is your prayers and encouragement.


  1. mand,

    love you. love your heart. you're so incredible. will def be praying.


  2. I will def be praying as well! And you are so right when you say "Faith isn't real faith if you're only willing to trust in Him when times are good." Keep focusing on God and the positives and he will see you through this time!

  3. Mandi~ praying continually for you! So glad you posted this :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. this is shocking to me...i am in awe of your faith and trust in the Lord! God bless you and i will def keep you in my prayers!

  6. Mandi
    I love Love Love you. Your heart is in the right place and I will be praying for you and your family. Your strength and faith are strong and I will pray that they remains that way. I love you and if you need anything give me a call.
    Love, Liz

  7. Wow! I will be praying, let us know if there is anything we can do. If you have surgeries, we will help provide your family with meals, childcare, etc.

  8. You, dear one, are strong, faithful and brave. Please know you have many lifting you and your family in prayer. I love you and miss you!
